What type of dry eye do you have?
We've all felt it, that sting in the eyes after being on the computer for a few hours, those tears running down your cheeks during a brisk morning walk, that gritty feeling in the eyes on waking. These are just a few of the many varied symptoms of dry eye.
Sometimes, diagnosing and treating dry eye is simple: Your eyes feel red and sore, we pop in some of "that yellow stuff" that optometrists seem to love so much, we see the dried-up surface of the eye, and we prescribe some sort of dry eye drop that relieves your symptoms.
Eye drops usually provide relief...but not for long. A few moments or hours later the scratchy, bleary eyes return.
Like you, we wondered if there was a more worthwhile solution for dry eye sufferers. We've learnt that the first step in devising a better solution for dry eye is to know what TYPE of dry eye you have.
It turns out that while the causes of dry eye are plentiful, there are essentially TWO TYPES of dry eye: EVAPORATIVE and AQUEOUS DEFICIENT. You won't necessarily be able to feel which type you have, but the way we manage them is vastly different.
Which type do you have? Do you have a combination of the two? Wodonga Eyecare's Dry Eye Clinic will diagnose your dry eye using a rather nifty piece of technology called the IDRA. This instrument allows us to painlessly measure detailed aspects of your tears. It allows us to diagnose and treat your dry eye type, rather than simply recommending some drops and sending you on your way.
If you have been unable to find any lasting resolution of your dry eye symptoms it might be time that our technology helped you dig a little deeper.